Having an investment portfolio could be very helpful in realizing your long-term financial goals. For instance, being able to fully pay your mortgage at an earlier time, build a place where you could retire, or perhaps pay your children’s university fees. While having a savings accounts provides easy access as well as the protection of a guaranteed capital, returns could be small and insignificant. On the other hand, investing in stocks, bonds, bank products, commodities and other investment options can offer stronger and bigger returns in the long run, although the level of risk is high.
If you decide to make an investment in any of these, it is imperative that you choose a reliable brokerage firm with a simple yet efficient trading platform. For instance, ROinvesting started in 2017 and is regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec). This online brokerage firm offers CFD trading on an array of assets, which includes stocks, forex, commodities, gold, and even cryptocurrencies. To find out more, check out roinvesting reviews.
Investing In Agriculture – What You Need To Know
When it comes to investing, many go for the usual investments products so many are hesitant to make an investment in agriculture, particularly those who don’t have enough experience or knowledge in the land industry. One common conjecture is that merely farmers are knowledgeable about agriculture making them the only ones confident enough to make an investment in it. But, agriculture could be an excellent investment not only for investors but for anyone. However, before you start investing in agriculture, there are some things that you have to know.
There Are Many Ways To Make An Investment
There are numerous ways to make a profit from agricultural land as well as be able to do a lot of them at the same time. Investors could earn from the returns of the yearly crops. Moreover, over time, a land of good quality historically grows in value, which means by simply holding the agricultural land could generate revenues as its value increases.
Agriculture As Inflation Hedge
Historically, the price of food increases over time allowing agriculture to act as a hedge against inflation. It is an investment which is protected against the negative and unfavorable cost of inflation to an investment. Population growth of the future is also beneficial to making an investment in agriculture. Since the global population is predicted to increase to 9.8 billion by the year 2050, the demand for food will also increase. To meet the demand for food and feed the ever-increasing population, there will be a need for a dramatic increase in the global production of food. With the increase in demand of food, there could be an increase in the crops’ value as well.
Offers Long-term Investment
When the economy is healthy, people frequently place their money in stocks with high risk and high rewards that provide fast and huge ROIs. Crops require a certain time for them to grow and thrive. Certain crops may take years to reach its maximum potential. But then again, as food is a necessity, there will at all times be a steady and stable demand for food. Hence, this kind of investment could add slow yet steady growth towards your savings. This may drive you to rather invest in stocks that can make you rich really quick. However, making an investment in stocks that are safe and with slow returns is imperative for the general wellbeing of your investment portfolio.
Investors Are Protected By Crops Insurance
With numerous factors that could affect the planting season, investors may be hesitant to make an investment in agriculture. But you shouldn’t worry since crops insurance was made to provide protection both investors and farmers. In the event crops are ruined because of natural causes or there is a drop in the value of the crops, the farmer will still be receiving funds from the insurance provider. Therefore, investors could still receive their yearly returns.