Did you know that it is possible to reduce annual electricity costs by half inside your house? This could save several hundred dollars a year. Of course, energy cannot only be saved when heating.

How to save money on heating and air conditioning

Keep doors closed

The doors to rooms where a lower temperature is required should remain closed. The doors to the hallway, which is usually colder, should also be closed so that the living room stays comfortably warm. A draft excluder can help keep cold air from getting in under the door.

Seal windows and doors well

A roll of caulking tape is inexpensive, but it can help reduce heat loss through doors and windows.

By the way, if you have a cat, you can tell from its behavior whether the windows are properly sealed. If the cat likes to lie on the window sill in the sun in winter, that’s a good sign. Where cold air is drawn through a window gap, a cat does not make itself comfortable.

HVAC repair in Alexandria

Bleed the heater

The radiators should be bled at least once a year. Because air in the radiator reduces the performance of the heating system, the thermal energy is then used. However, it remains unused because it cannot be distributed in the room.

Dust off radiators

Cleaning the heater also has savings potential. A layer of dust on the heater has an insulating effect and can thus reduce the heat emitted into the room. There are special brushes for the spaces that are difficult to reach. It is also helpful to have an expert from HVAC repair in Alexandria to check it occasionally. This can help lower energy cost.

 Lower the temperature at night

If you set a night reduction for the heating, you save a lot of money. It is best to lower the temperature an hour before going to bed. This saves additional energy, because it will take a while for the heating to cool down anyway.

Lower water temperature

As a rule, the temperature of the water when showering is around 37° Celsius, which is roughly the same as your body temperature. If you like it particularly warm, you can shower at a maximum of 43° Celsius. It is therefore usually sufficient to lower the maximum water temperature to 50° Celsius and save costs at the same time on your energy budget.